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Monitoring & Evaluation

Through our participatory approach to monitoring and evaluation, we seek not only to measure the effectiveness of a program or project but also to build ownership and empower beneficiaries, which in turn enhances the accountability and transparency of our partner organizations. This approach also focuses on building the capacity of people to analyze and reflect upon their actions and involvement in the project, and promotes joint learning of stakeholders at various levels.

Project/Program evaluation
standards of evaluation
  1. Utility
  2. Feasibility
  3. Propriety
  4. Accuracy
  5. Accountability
Evaluation Criteria
  1. Relevance
  2. Effectiveness
  3. Efficiency
  4. Impact
  5. Sustainability
  6. Cross-cutting issues (gender, human rights, HAP Standards, Environment, Social inclusion)

1. Analysis

  • Compile, Clean, process data
  • Analyze
  • Interpret Findings


  • Questionnaires
  • Focus Groups
  • Interviews
  • Field Visits
  • Meetings

3. Utilization

  • Report and present on findings/conclusions
  • Incorporate feedback
  • Share lessons learnt
  • Develop recommendations
  • Suggest next steps

4. Engage primary intended users

  • Establish and maintain trust, openness and cooperation

5. Preparation / Design

  • Review background information, project documents
  • Define primary intended uses
  • Determine question matrix and scoring
  • Determine sample size and participants
  • Plan data collection activities
  • Pilot questionnaires


With participation as a core value, a mixed-method approach to M&E is used that is both theory-based and utilization-focused. This approach allows us to measure the effectiveness and impact of a program or project against performance indicators and planned results, while also ensuring efficiency by focusing the M&E activities on achieving pre-determined goals that are relevant and practical to primary intended users.
Through this mixed-method approach, robust data is translated into practical, relevant findings and recommendations, and commitment to taking corrective actions is catalyzed among stakeholder groups.

We also place a high value on communication at all stages and levels of the M&E process. We employ the participatory approach through to the final stage of evaluation to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of and have been given the opportunity to react to results and findings.
Furthermore, we strictly adhere to reporting requirements and are sensitive to the diverse linguistic and communication needs of participants in international settings.

Our Methodology

During assignments requiring M&E, the following basic methodology is adhered to, although is subject to change dependent upon the context of the project and the needs and wishes of the client, the organization under evaluation (if different), and the funding party.